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A simple one word, isn’t? It is called as ‘Fear of Failure’.

Let’s take the example of a software professional and estimation process. Estimation relates to Time and Money. When a person begins his professional journey, (s)he finds it tough to do the estimation. Especially when it is related to software. Little they realise that they have been doing estimation for personal tasks. However when it is for ‘assigned tasks’ they fear. The fear is mostly to do with taking responsibility for the organisation, the place you work for. The inherent fear and the burning question ‘What will happen if I fail’. Fear of failure is more alarming than giving a wrong estimation.

When the person begins the career (s)he does estimation based on what Brain says. All sub-tasks will have detail justification. In fact this method for estimation highly time-consuming and sometimes irritating to the reported person. And after accumulating few years of experience, (s)he does estimation by what heart says. Most often than not it would be different from what his heart conveyed in the earlier years. After a few more years of slogging, they estimate what their gut feels. In all the three stage the estimation might not be much different. However, the effort to do the estimation goes southwards.

When there is a conflict between what mind says and heart says go with what your gut feels about the problem at hand.

It is better to trust your gut and get burnt sometimes than to over second-guess yourself

Some call it as Experience. I would say overcoming of fear. Being fearless is priceless.