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My (recent) experience with Millennials


Millennials have this feeling that saying 'sorry' and 'thank you' is a sin. In their world of instant gratification, these words are not in the dictionary.

The age between 21 to 30 seems to be a worrisome part of adult life. They worry about so much. Their dreams. Finances. The future. Life partner. Parents getting old. Everything. Very easy to fall into depression or develop anxiety disorders. They expect everything to happen immediately. Most sound tough but they are not.. and less self-esteem. They have the trauma of being ‘unfriended’

Am not expecting them to be ideal but don’t be insane.

I have shared this many times at multiple places. As youngsters, they have a long life ahead. Sometime I might be harsh on them.. but it was never intended to hurt them. Only to improve and make a better professional. I don’t have solutions for everything but can break it down into smaller parts so that the individual can find a solution and move forward.